Grief, loss and change are something that everyone will experience at one time or another during their lifetime.

Grief, loss and change are something that everyone will experience at one time or another during their lifetime.
When a loss occurs, most of us are unprepared on how to handle it, especially if we have never had to deal with it before. Even if we have, it is still traumatic each time. Life’s losses and changes come in many forms:
- End of a relationship, death, divorce, or separation
- Job loss
- Moving to a new town or new location
- Loss of health
- Loss of income
- Loss of home
However the emotions attached to these losses are similar. Stressful emotions cause many symptoms such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, anger, insomnia, change of eating patterns etc.
Hypnosis works with the subconscious level of the mind, allowing for new thoughts, new images to be created which accelerate changes in your attitudes, your stress levels, and your overall health. Through Hypnosis you will find yourself moving through the recovery process by being able to successfully cope with your loss. You will be able to accept the new circumstances, let go of the past and move ahead successfully with your life.*
* Disclaimer: The information presented on this website may not be true for all clients, hence please be advised that there are no guarantees of specific results and that the results can vary depending on the individual.